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BWB Whitepaper Downloads

Access all the whitepaper downloads here.

The BWB Whitepapers are available for free download at any time, and we're always striving to expand our collection. Check back frequently to see what new whitepapers we've produced.

10 questions to answer before buying a new Flame Photometer

    10 fundamental questions that you want answered when buying a Flame Photometer

    Top tips to check out when selecting a new Flame Photometer

    Top tips to look out for to overcome the sales pitch and ensure you're getting value for money

Guide to Flame Photometry

    Principles of Flame Photometry

    Flame Photometer Operating Data

    Preparing For Analysis

    Making a Measurement

    Applications Methods

If you have any suggestions for Whitepapers you want to see, be sure to contact us, and we'll see what we can do.

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